Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dr. Rajkumar - Amazing song - Jenina holeyo halina maleyo

One of my favourite songs! Pradeepa, this song is something I love to sing with you! Your spirit while singing Kannada songs is next to none and I am really proud of that.

Another jewel by Lata Mangeshkar

My classmate Archana from BMSCE sang this song on my behest in one of the UTSAV competitions and won a prize for that! How cool is that!

Next I had asked Shantala, my other friend to sing this song while going in a car to Ande's marriage celebrations and I distinctly remember how sweetly she sung. Can't forget such a beautiful rendition from Shantala. Soujanya went ga-ga over Shantala's Musical magic that day and eversince.

The best of Lata Mangeshkar

Here is one of the best melodies of Lata Mangeshkar that I like!